Hormones, Homeostasis, and Why You (Probably) Need Carbs
It’s fashionable to watch our carb intake these days. But could you be doing yourself a hormonal disservice by being a carb fascist? In this article, I explore the concept of homeostasis; the role of the stress-survival response in hormonal health, particularly growth hormone (GH); and why most women probably need a carbohydrate intake that’s higher than commonly recommended in low-carb advice.
Rant 67 January 2013: Apocalypse Now
If you lost everything in the apocalypse, how might you end up freer? What would be in the boxes that would be jettisoned? What imaginary authority figure or judge would catch fire and be destroyed? What bullshit could YOU throw out in 2013 to free up some mental health, and why?
Sweet Potato Power: An Interview with Ashley Tudor
Ashley Tudor’s ode to the sweet potato encompasses self-experimentation, lessons in hormones, and delicious recipes. I interview Ashley about her book and her sweet potato project.
PCOS Unlocked: Interview with Stefani Ruper
Stefani Ruper is the author of PCOS Unlocked: The Manual, a guide to polycystic ovary syndrome, a health issue that many women struggle with — without even realizing. In a Stumptuous Files podcast, I talk to Stefani about the value of ancestral-style diets, women and body image, her experience with disordered eating, her work on PCOS, and the F-work — feminism — in the “Paleosphere”.
“Don’t forget about the boys!”
I’ve been getting some great emails from dudes lately. It seems that the Gospel of Stumptuous is spreading far and wide, and the manpeople are also finding it useful.
Click to read more…
Shaky Man triumphant
Update from Shaky Man, who alerts me to a newsletter out of Hahvuhd:
Vigorous exercise may prevent Parkinson’s disease and help treat it
No shit, right? Shaky Man’s been saying that for years! Way to be a pioneer, SM!
Please stand back; I am about to dispense AWESOME
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas?! Eff that! It’s time to hand out ridiculous amounts of money to our Lean Eating winners for the Jan 2012 cohort.
I’m particularly stoked about this one because the female winner was 56-year old Laurie — a woman with apparently everything against her: age, thyroid, a family tragedy, injuries, and life in general. And yet she persevered. This is truly what Lean Eating is all about: finding and nurturing the strength inside ourselves so that we can change. Bravo to all!
Rant 66 December 2012: The First Rule of Fast Club
The first rule of fast club is: Don’t talk about fast club. The second rule of fast club is that skinny guys no longer get to tell me what to do. (Although I love you guys. You look so cute with your pants falling down!)
Should women fast?
When fitness-minded people, especially women, start doing anything, it’s not long before our minds wander into I wonder if this’ll help me lose fat? Not-eating suddenly seemed like the perfect way to cut weight for grappling. It seemed pretty darn easy! Just not-eat periodically, and you’ll be riptshizzled! I started off strong and felt pretty good. My body had other plans. And so did many other women’s bodies. Which brings me to this article.
Rant 65 October 2012: Pray for Mojo
The late 30s and 40s are a time of great power for women. Declining hormones tear veils away from our eyes. It is the beginning of when we learn to get over the crap we’ve been spoon-fed, to feel some rumbling righteous anger, and start loving ourselves.