Rant 66 December 2012: The First Rule of Fast Club
The first rule of fast club is: Don’t talk about fast club. The second rule of fast club is that skinny guys no longer get to tell me what to do. (Although I love you guys. You look so cute with your pants falling down!)
Rant 65 October 2012: Pray for Mojo
The late 30s and 40s are a time of great power for women. Declining hormones tear veils away from our eyes. It is the beginning of when we learn to get over the crap we’ve been spoon-fed, to feel some rumbling righteous anger, and start loving ourselves.
Rant 64 April 2012: The House That Stumptuous Built
Judge me, assholes. Judge the hell out of me. Let me know when you’re done. Because I have other business in this world.
Rant 63 February 2012: In Praise of Older Women
Esteemed Stumpfans, I present you with this unalterable truth: I ain’t gettin’ any younger. And neither are you.
Rant 62 January 2012: Goooooaaalllls!!
When did we all become so obsessed with producing stuff? Do I really want to be able to make more stuff, faster? I thought I left that shit behind in academia when I got off the Publication Purgatory treadmill. This year, do LESS.