Fast Times at PPAR-y
Combine the occasional period of not-eating with a healthy diet that aims to reduce inflammation and optimize your body’s natural healing processes, and you might just stave off a cripping disease or two.
Body fat part 4: Philosophical thoughts on body fat
In our culture, body fat is associated with particular meanings, many of them negative. You may be asking, “Krista, why are you talking about fat on a woman-positive site? Aren’t we supposed to, y’know, be freeing ourselves from the beauty myth and all that?” Yes! Of course. And I get pissed off as hell with people and social institutions telling me how I should look. Yet we also have to live in a society where there is substantial negative reinforcement for excess body fat, as well as quite real potential health consequences from carrying around a lot of additional fat.
However, just because society is screwed up doesn’t mean you should be too…
Body fat part 3: Why the scale can steer you wrong
The scale is only one tool for measuring fat loss, and it’s not the best one. Here’s why, and here are some better methods.
Body fat part 2: Gaining, storing, and losing body fat
Just like saving money for a rainy day, our body stores excess calories as fat. How fat loss/gain works, and why “spot reduction” is a myth.
Body fat part 1: An introduction
Body fat. The words can send otherwise rational women into fits of paranoia and hushed, ashamed discussion of their failures.
In this article, I bust out the F-word and explain how fat works.