Water bottle holder is here!

Bags of a Feather’s water bottle holder finally arrived! This was an experimental prototype of a concept that I suggested to Wendy after I got sick of freezing my hands with my steel water bottle. Wendy, designer extraordinaire, made the magic.

The design is beautiful — it’s quilted in soft fabric, lined, with a little drawstring and a clip for attaching the bottle to one’s gym bag. The top rolls down.

I road-tested it on my mom to see what she thought. Big hit. I think we have a Mother’s Day present for my runner mom! (Mom, if you read this, pretend to be surprised.)

What does an “athletic” body look like?

A fabulous collection of male and female athlete photos assembled at Nina Matsumoto’s blog.

You’ve seen some of these before on Stumptuous, but the inclusion of the men’s photos further expands the concept that elite athletes — whose bodies are extremely fit, finely tuned, high-performance machines — nevertheless do not usually look like “fitness models”…

Spezzatino Vol 13: Squash now available!

Vol 13 of my food magazine, Spezzatino, is now available!

Sex! Savagery! Safaris! Spirals of zucchini!

Check it out – some tasty pics and free downloads. If you like what you see, subscribe and help fight hunger.

Kinda related to training: Bags of a Feather

As part of a life/body transformation project, one of my awesome Lean Eaters told the corporate world to shove it so she could pursue her craft. She just launched her website: Bags of a Feather!! Check her stuff out!

I’m a fan of the Scandinavian motif bags. She’s working on a water bottle holder for you athletic grrls…

Ask Dr. K: Tips for female grapplers

Some tips for female/newer grapplers, in response to an email I received. The scenario: A small female grappler who is getting stuck/pinned in particular positions by larger male opponents. Here’s my advice…

Think you’re badass? Try the Metro Dash

Metro Dash was created by former Navy SEALs with a passion for fitness. After years in the military, the team became involved in various endurance competitions and races. They discovered that they couldn’t find exactly what they were looking for: a creative, intense, urban course (check it out! there’s some crazy shit there!) that can […]

Campaign to save women’s bodybuilding

An interesting issue around the IFBB’s potential decision to eliminate women’s bodybuilding. I’d be curious to know more about the politics behind this decision…