Dan John DVDs and podcast

In the world of slick yet content-free fitness video production these DVDs stand out as a breath of fresh air and the voice of reason, just like Dan himself.

Last-minute stocking stuffer! 12 months of Stumptuous!

I’ve just finished two calendars, so you can enjoy Stumptuousy goodness year-round! Wow!

Calendar #1: FIGHTING WORDS. Boxing and grappling training shots. Check it out here.

Calendar #2: STRONG. Hangin’ out in the gym and the alleyway. Check it out here.

No airbrushing, no fake tans, no Tammy Faye makeup, no BS. Just me and some of my leetle friends.

Disordered eating may affect 10-15% of women: study

Several maladaptive eating behaviors, beyond anorexia, can affect women. Indeed, some 10 to 15 percent of women have maladaptive eating behaviours and attitudes according to a new study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Full story

I’d actually argue that “disordered eating” as a general category affects many more women than this. If we conceptualize DE as a spectrum that includes a variety of behaviours, not just extreme, extended restriction or purging, but also periodic purposeful overeating and/or restriction, food anxieties, avoidance behaviours, a morally-tinged “good and bad foods” mindset, guilt and distress associated with eating, focus on body weight as the primary outcome of eating (and focus on a very thin body weight as ideal), eating when not actually hungry and not stopping when satiety is achieved, etc. then I would argue that 90-95% of North American women fall into this group.

Physical skill acquisition lessens depression and fatigue

Physical activity is known to reduce depression and fatigue in people struggling with chronic illness. A new study indicates that this effect may stem from an individual’s sense of mastery over — or belief in his or her ability to achieve — certain physical goals.

Says the lead researcher, “The relationship between physical activity and reductions in fatigue in breast-cancer survivors and people with MS can be explained in part by the effect of physical activity on mastery experiences… That sense of accomplishment, or situation-specific self-confidence, serves to reduce depression, which in turn reduces fatigue.”

Full story

The lesson: Pursue skill and productive self-mastery through activity, not an abstract “perfection” or “fixing yourself”.

Sports Medicine Open Courseware

Lurn at home — E-zy!

FutureMedica has published “25 Free Open Courseware Classes About Sports Medicine”. If you’re a self-schooling go-getter type, check it out and lurn yrself good!

Can home surgery be far behind?
*grabs hacksaw, old rags, bottle of JD, and biting stick*

Creatine and depression

Interesting study recently from the journal Neuropsychopharmacology. (What? You didn’t see the latest issue on newsstands?! The one with Lindsay Lohan on the cover? Har.)

Anyway, this study in rats suggests that creatine, a supplement commonly used to enhance athletic performance, may have some effects on mood… but only in females…

Is bottled water really that bad? Yes

Check out the infographic here.

Folks, if you can drink your tap water, do so.

I’ve currently got a very stylish system of old glass milk bottles and tall jars for my water drinking habit. Fancy!

Chilean weightlifter has unexpected baby during training

Just when you think you’ve heard it all…

Chilean Olympic weightlifter Elizabeth Poblete has given birth to a baby boy during a training session, without having known she was pregnant.

Full story

Well, ladies, now you have something else to worry about besides “getting too big” from weight lifting: surprise birth. This is the best part for me:

The head trainer at the gym, Horacio Reis, said the birth had been “a surprise”. “A week ago I acted as a judge in a competition in Chile and this girl was competing. All went well and she won the competition.”

Wins a weightlifting competition a week before giving birth. Much respect.

Is this irony? EAS and Play Clean

“Poignantly contrary to what was expected or implied”? Yeah, I’d say so.

Many eons ago, when old Mistress K was young, there was a magical playground for foulmouthed muscle heads called misc.fitness.weights. In this fantastical land, the iron-lovers with enough technical skill to use this new series of interconnected computers (the “Inter-Net”) could speak to one another, usually in profanities and allusions about various people’s mothers…