Just when you thought McNuggets couldn’t get more disgusting

From CNN Health:

All McDonald’s nuggets are not created equal.

U.S. McNuggets not only contain more calories and fat than their British counterparts, but also chemicals not found across the Atlantic.

CNN investigated the differences after receiving a blog comment asking about them.

American McNuggets (190 calories, 12 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat for 4 pieces) contain the chemical preservative tBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone, a petroleum-based product. They also contain dimethylpolysiloxane, “an anti-foaming agent” also used in Silly Putty.

How to get more women into grappling

It’s the age-old question: What do women want? Well, we want asskicking of course! And toilet paper. Read more in my new article at GrappleArts.com!

Also, just a reminder, if you’re looking for BJJ, wrestling, and/or judo, and you’re in Toronto, we run four women’s classes a week — drop me a line if you want to join us. Find us on Facebook: Fembot Army. And don’t forget our women-only grappling tournament and camp in late August!

Science and sex: sometimes surprisingly clueless, all things considered

I’ve gotten this link from lots of folks, so I’m posting it here: What Exercise Science Doesn’t Know About Women.

Medical science has done a great job in many ways. But in other ways, you’d think women just got invented with how little doctors and researchers seem to know about certain things. I’m hoping that the current majority-female crop of science undergrads is going to change the face of research over the next few decades. Going to rant about that more in my upcoming rant… stay tuned…

Mommy (to be) rage: Hands off pregnant ladies

I think it’s Pregnancy Week at the Stumpblog.

I remember my younger sister telling me how creepy it was when total strangers would grab her belly in stores etc. when she was pregnant. Now regular site reader, world traveller, and cheese/chocolate aficionado, Lieke updates me on the “enjoyment” of having her body on public display. From the WTF? files…

Have you experienced similar bullshit? What’s up with this? Let’s hear your comments!

An inconvenient truth: Pregnancy, peeing, and jumping jacks

I have a girlcrush on Cassandra Forsythe. There, I said it. It’s not because she’s cute (though she is); it’s because she’s an awesome combination of super-smart, super-nice, funny, and absolutely willing to bring the truth to the booth, no matter how awkward, inconvenient, or… well, symbolic of our human frailty.

Postpartum Exercise Incontinence

“Before I had my baby, the women in my boot camp classes would say to me: “Just WAIT until you have that baby – you won’t make us do jumping jacks as much anymore…”

At that time I’d look at them strangly and laugh, not really knowing what the heck they were talking about…

Now, fast-forward to motherhood in my world. Because I worked out so much during my pregnancy I never thought in a million years that I’d ever be one of “those” women who had a problem peeing their pants when jumping or running.

I was wrong.

Dead wrong.”

Nonprofit gym helps low-income community get fit

Thanks to reader Emily for this link.

In many low-income neighborhoods, obesity and diabetes are huge problems. Fear of crime and traffic keep many residents from exercising outdoors, and indoor gyms are often too few and too expensive. Healthworks, a nonprofit fitness center in Boston, is trying to change that.

Full story on NPR

Shaky Man’s first film!

Fans of Shaky Man will enjoy his latest adventure: his first film! He speaks about his diagnosis and the role of vigorous exercise — including weight training.

What an incredible, brave man. Neil keeps it real.

By the way, that “105” bench press he mentions… Neil is talking about kilos.

Click post title to see the movie…