Oct 17: Toronto Yoga for Charity

My colleague, the lovely Tiffany at Bang Fitness in Toronto — strong woman and yoga lover extraordinaire — will be teaching a charity yoga class on October 17 in Toronto. She writes:

NOW4Youth is a fairly new charity established last year; it is a registered, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to propelling at-risk youth to greatness through wellness career training opportunities, such as yoga & Pilates teacher training certification.

Yoga translated means “yoke” or “to unite”….this is the goal of the fundraiser – All Together NOW – to unite hundreds of people at various studios, on the same day, at the same time, participating in the same 2-hour vinyasa sequence, all for one cause…to make a difference in the lives of our youth.

I will be teaching one of 8 charity classes on Sunday October 17th from 4.30-6.30pm… and for those classes to be a success we need participants. The minimum donation to take part is $25. All participants will receive a “swag bag” as a thank you for their participation and fundraising efforts. All donations for $20 and above are eligible for a tax receipt.

For more information please see now4youth.org

Toronto study looking for participants

Q1. Are you currently at a healthy weight?

Q2. Were you previously overweight and have intentionally lost a large amount of weight and have maintained this weight loss for at least 1 year?

If you answered “yes” to the two questions above, you may be eligible to participate in a genetics and psychology research study at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in collaboration with York University.

This study is looking for both men and women:

  • Age 25 – 45 years
  • In good physical health, not using street drugs
  • No psychiatric disorders
  • Able and willing to provide meaningful consent to participate

This study will require about 3 hours of your time to answer questionnaires, perform some simple computer tasks and provide a blood sample for genetic testing.

You will be compensated for your participation.

For more information call: Caroline Reid at 416-535-8501 ext. 4639 or email [email protected].

All queries are strictly confidential and study data will be anonymized.

My Body, My Image blog

Theresa Ruth Howard’s My Body, My Image blog:

“…wanted to create a place where we can discuss the body the way we do with our girlfriends on the telephone, with our mothers and sisters over the kitchen table, with our partner and lovers in the dressing rooms of clothing stores and with ourselves in our heads! (Sometimes it’s the best conversation you can get). I wanted to create a place where women and men alike can realize that they are not alone in their feelings of confusion (as to where they fit or what to be) or frustration (at not being at all what they truly want to be). I wanted for all us to have that collective “somebody” to say, “You’re all right?” – “It’s ok” – “I know” or sometimes “Shut up – and eat that cake!” Because sometimes what you have – ain’t what you want – but it’s better than nothing, so, we have to learn how to accept and appreciate what we do have because we are all fabulous by design- and fabulous starts in the mind!!”

Rant 59 September 2010: I’m Not Old; I’m 37

In nearly four decades, it has never rained on my birthday. As I write this on Sept 4, 2010 (mark your calendars for next year — Mistress loves presents!), my 37th birthday, it is raining.

The only inevitability in natural systems is change.

Sterling’s Strong Woman Photography

Sterling is a photographer near NYC who is working on a series of photos of strong women — whatever that looks like to each individual woman. In this article, she explains her approach. [clicky title to read more]

Yoga for Fighters: Releasing the Psoas

Most fighters end up with certain muscles totally overdeveloped. Because of the way grappling works, the psoas muscles get very, very tight. However, many non-grapplers also have a lot of psoas problems, simply from sitting all day. The psoas shortens and becomes tight. An overdeveloped, shortened psoas means less mobility, reduced speed, and greater risk of injury.

Grapple Girls Open tournament Sat Aug 21!

Hello ladies. Look at your weekend. Now look at our tournament. Back at your weekend. Now back to our tournament. THIS IS THE WEEKEND YOUR WEEKEND COULD LOOK LIKE… if you quit being such a fence-sitting wimp and registered to compete!

(Or just came out to have fun and watch some chick-on-chick action. Dudes welcome as supporters and spectators too!)

I’m on a horse.

Health Magazine Forces Readers to “Eat Shit, Not Crap,” Enraged Chemist Grants Stinky Sulfur Award

Man I love this guy Shane Ellison over at The People’s Chemist. He is all about throwing the bullshit flag. The latest target for the venting of his spleen: suck-hole nutritionists who capitulate to the lowest common denominator instead of standing up for what is actually true.

Men’s Health editor David Zinczenko was hawking his latest health abomination, Eat This Not That! For Kids! And when asked by the twit show host, “What’s the best dessert for my kids,” Zinczenko replied, “Have them eat THIS Dairy Queen banana split with only 73 grams of sugar, NOT THAT Baskin Robbins Classic banana split with 125 grams of sugar.”

Do you think Zinczenko wants me to whack his head with THIS aluminum bat or THAT wooden one? Junk food swapping is just as dangerous, albeit much slower in its destruction. But essentially, that’s what he is asking parents to choose between when it comes to feeding kids dessert.

Eat This, Not That is a clever disguise for, Eat Shit, Not Crap.

Read more…

Women’s grappling in Toronto

If you’re in or near Toronto, some exciting stuff coming up!

Grapple Girl Women’s Open tournament: Sat August 21, 2010

Women’s Grappling Camp: Aug 23-27, 2010

And of course, as always, pay-what-you-can women’s classes at MECCA. By women, for women. Taught by female national-level competitors. (And, occasionally, me. Ha!)

  • Women’s grappling: Fridays 6-7:30; Sundays 12 pm.
  • Women’s wrestling: Sundays 11 am.
  • Women’s judo: 6-7 pm.

Whether you’re a total beginner or grizzled mat veteran, whatever your style, school, size, or skill — join us!