How are you showing up to your life? Nia Shanks and I find out.
Nia Shanks of Lift Like A Girl is one of the 15 Must-Read Trainers Rocking the Web. (Don’t hate.)
Recently, I had the pleasure of being featured on her podcast to talk more about the presentation I gave at the Women’s Fitness Summit.
Below is an overview of what we talked about, from Nia’s site:
- 1:15 – A different kind of core stability: how this applies to health and fitness and real life. What does this mean?
- 5:00 – Dr. Krista’s “super secret coaching tip”: to change your outsides you must change your insides.
- 8:15 – Answer the question, Why are you here? And then ask and answer it five more times. This will reveal a deeper awareness of what’s important to you, and it’s okay to not know at first.
- 12:10 – Deep health. What does it mean to be healthy at a deep level? Ask yourself, Am I thriving in all of these areas?
- 15:50 – Change your focus and you may achieve better results. Dr. Krista says for fat loss, “To make your body smaller, make your life bigger.” Enriching your life is important.
- 18:30 – Dr. Krista likes “the Goldilocks approach” to health and fitness.
- 20:00 – “Being in shape is not the point.”
- 21:15 – Life posture: How are you showing up? Who do you think you are?
- 25:40 – When you know who you are and how you’re showing up you can line everything up together. Poor alignment causes poor health.
- 26:20 – Understand your values and priorities. What it means to “have it all” and why Krista thinks it’s a fantasy. You can have, or do, anything but you can’t have or do everything. Sometimes you have to choose A over B.
- 30:30 – Why it’s so important to understand the different levels of control. We have more control over some things than we realize and less control over some things.
- 34:40 – The Awesomeness Based Approach: the 90/10 rule. Focus on strengthening your existing strengths and neutralizing weaknesses.
- 41:10 – Choose the empowering approach. What are your unique abilities?
- 43:40 – How you can discover your strengths.
- 47:25 – Krista’s final message, and you should listen! Concept of self forgiveness and self compassion. Focusing on your strengths with an attitude of compassion and forgiveness works better than anything else. Even if you’re pragmatic you’ll still do better with an attitude of compassion than you will with being a harsh and punitive self critic.