Commenting guidelines
Hello lovelies,
As your comment moderatrix I have accumulated a few comments that contravene the vibe I try to promote at Stumptuous. Thus, I’d like to present you with some handy guidelines that will organize the way we do things here.
Physical activity intensity and breast cancer risk
It’s fairly well accepted that regular physical activity appears to lower breast cancer risk. Recent findings suggest that there is also an association between the difficulty of the exercise and the risk…
Mental fatigue affects physical performance
New findings suggest that fatigue may be as much about the brain as about the body.
Critical Bench interview with Robyn Blankenship
Great interview with powerlifter Robyn Blankenship here, plus some great shots and videos of stuff like a 275 lb bench press and 440 lb squat. All done “raw”, i.e. no assistive gear such as a bench shirt. You go girl!
More weight-loss research
In my previous post I considered some of the extrinsic, i.e. outside, factors that contributed to (or hindered) long term weight maintenance. A recent systematic review examines the intrinsic, i.e. internal, factors, that help people lose weight and keep it off. It confirms the findings of a 2005 review. Are you ready for the big secret?
Weight-loss research roundup
Trying to lose weight and keep it off, and stay in shape in an obesegenic environment requires a massive act of will and motivation. It can be done, of course — and many of y’all are a testament to that. But it’s really fucking hard. Why don’t we start trying to make it easier on ourselves?! […] on Facebook
Hello possums, it’s lovely to get all your friend requests on Facebook. Thanks for being so keen! Just to ensure that my FB doesn’t get cumbersome or weird, and to ensure that I’m still able to post drunken semi-naked photos with impunity, I’m going to restrict my personal friends list to people I’ve actually met in person. However, don’t get down — you can still get your Stumptuous fix in two ways…
Baby Bells: Fit Pregnancy Workout with (Optional) Kettlebells
“Having experienced the joys of being pregnant three times over for a total of 839 days (who’s counting), it’s clear just from watching Lauren Brooks’ latest DVD, Baby Bells: Fit Pregnancy Workout With (Optional) Kettlebells that it would have been a great addition to my training regimen as I aimed to stay fit and strong as each of my babies grew…”
Reviewed by guest author Erin Weiss-Trainor
Part 2 of “strength without size” is up
Alright you greedy little monkeys, you’ve been beating down the virtual door for Part 2 of Geoff Girvitz’s article — so here ya go! Strength Without Size 2: The Thickening.
Funny fitness ads
From Men’s Health: “Need more motivation to get in shape this year? These hilarious ad campaigns might help.”