Workout 5: Intermediate, 4-day split

A word on split routines: I prefer to split routines by movement types (e.g. “pushing”, “pulling”, etc.) or by intensity (e.g. heavy, medium, light), not “body parts”.

The body doesn’t really understand “parts”; it understands kinetic chains — a sequence of events designed to achieve an objective. The body will use whatever “parts” it thinks it needs to get the job done, in the appropriate order. Thus, for example, when throwing a ball, the body doesn’t think “OK, first, I’m hitting the rear delts and forearm extensors, then I’m totally recruiting the external obliques…”

It just thinks: Throw ball.

So don’t get all fussy about which body parts a given exercise “works”. Just get as many pieces moving as possible, as smoothly and precisely as possible. Let your body figure out the rest.

routine 1: conventional split

This routine should be done either every other day, or as a Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday kind of split, if you have to fit it into a 7-day week. Don’t do more than 2 days in a row. I include lower back and ab work twice weekly. This helps a great deal in developing torso stability. Rest about 60-90 seconds between sets (you might want a little longer between squat sets).
Notation: Exercise sets x reps
For example: bench press 3 x 8 is 3 sets of 8 reps per set

day 1 – legs

  1. squat
    3 sets of 6-10 reps
  2. split squat or lunge
    3 x 6-10
  3. stiff-legged deadlift
    3 x 8-10
  4. calf raise
    3 x 6-10
  5. back hyperextensions
    3 x 8-10

day 2 – chest, triceps, abs

  1. bench or dumbbell press
    3 x 6-10
  2. dips or assisted dips (if you can)
    3 x 6-10
  3. incline bench or dumbbell press
    3 x 6-10
  4. close-grip pushups
    2 x 8-10
  5. ab crunches or swissball crunches
    3 x 8-10

day 3 – back, biceps

  1. deadlift
    3 x 6-10
  2. pullups OR lat pulldowns
    3 sets of as many as you can do for pullups (if you can do more than 6-8 pullups at once, put a 5-lb plate between your knees and do them), 3 sets of 6-8 reps for lat pulldowns
  3. row of choice
    3 x 8-10
  4. biceps curl
    2 x 6-10
  5. back hyperextension
    3 x 8-10

day 4 – shoulders, lower back

  1. standing shoulder press or one-hand side press
    3 x 6-10
  2. power shrugs
    3 x 6-10
  3. lateral raises
    2 x 8-10
  4. ab crunches or Swiss ball crunches
    3 x 8-10

routine 2: push/pull, light/heavy

This routine should be done either every other day, or as a Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday kind of split, if you have to fit it into a 7-day week. Don’t do more than 2 days in a row, and try to have a heavy day follow a rest day. Rest about 2 minutes between sets on heavy days (you might want a little longer between squat sets), and about 60-90 seconds between sets on light days.

day 1 – heavy push

  1. squat
    3 x 5
  2. dips or assisted dips (if you can) or standing shoulder press
    3 x 6-8
  3. calf raise
    3 x 6-8
  4. ab crunches or Swiss ball crunches
    3 x 8-10

day 2 – light pull

  1. power shrugs
    5 x 3, with light weight (i.e. don’t use the weight you’d use for a 3-rep max; use about 70-80% of that)
  2. one-arm dumbbell row
    3 x 12-15
  3. biceps curls
    2 x 8-10
  4. lower back extension
    3 x 12-15

day 3 – light push

  1. front squats
    5 x 3 with light weight (i.e. don’t use the weight you’d use for a 3-rep max; use about 70-80% of that)
  2. standing shoulder press or one-hand side press
    3 x 12-15
  3. pushups
    3 sets
  4. close-grip bench press 2 x 10-12
  5. ab crunches or Swiss ball crunches
    3 x 8-10

day 4 – heavy pull

  1. deadlift OR hang clean pull
    3 x 6
  2. pullups OR lat pulldowns
    3 sets of as many as you can do for pullups (if you can do more than 6-8 pullups at once, put a 5-lb plate between your knees and do them), 3 sets of 6-8 reps for lat pulldowns
  3. horizontal pullup OR wide-grip row Horizontal pullups: 3 x as many as you can; wide grip row: 3 x 6-8
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