Run Like a Girl: Interview with Mina Samuels

“This book is about women, sports, and happiness. How the confidence women build in sport translates into the rest of their lives. How the challenges they face by participating in a sport, and the way they meet those challenges, translates into greater strength and the ability to overcome the obstacles in their lives outside of sports; and how their achievements in sports translate into happy lives.

This is a book about the courage it takes to challenge ourselves in how we live our lives.”
—Mina Samuels

In her thoughtful, inspiring work Run Like a Girl: How Strong Women Make Happy Lives, author and athlete Mina Samuels explores the ways in which sports and physical activity can change women’s bodies, spirits, and lives for the better — the ways in which we can all (regardless of our body shape, size, and ability) benefit from movement and physical empowerment.

She illustrates the book with her own story as well as the stories of many other women. In this podcast, I chat with her about the issues her book raises.

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