Igniting the Fire with Jon Goodman


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A few years ago, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released some facts and figures about the fitness training industry in the US.

Quick Facts: Fitness Trainers and Instructors

2012 median pay $31,720 USD per year

$15.25 USD per hour

Entry-level education High school diploma or equivalent
Work experience in a related occupation None
On-the-job training Short-term on-the-job training
Number of jobs, 2012 267,000 (up over 44% from 2001)



The 2013 IDEA Fitness Industry Programs & Equipment Trends Report lays out some demographics and trends in the field. For instance:

So what does this all mean?

The industry is growing.

There are lots of opportunities for keen go-getters who like the smell of sweat, wearing running shoes to work, and — oh yeah — helping people.

Trainers’ skill and maturity levels often don’t match client needs.

Younger trainers are working with older clients, who may have mild to major injuries, health problems, or other concerns. Life experience as a 20 year old is not the same as the life experience of a 50 year old with a mortgage, a job, 3 kids, and aging parents. (Hint: Take down your “No Excuses” fitspiration poster before that client shoves it up your ass.)

Trainers’ orientations often don’t match client needs.

Bro-science isn’t going to help the 2/3 of clients who are female.

Fitness is a tough business.

$32,000 a year will keep you alive, but doesn’t exactly live up to that dream of being a superstar trainer, does it?

That high school diploma plus no work experience and short on-the-job training isn’t enough.

Most importantly:

You need professionalism, practice, and dedication to your craft if you’re going to make it in this industry.

Enter Jon Goodman.

He’s made it his mission to educate, inspire, and help personal trainers improve their game.

I sat down with Jon to rap about his books, his experience, and where he thinks the field is going.

Click to play the podcast or hit “Download” above to listen later.

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