Looking for losers

I’m posting this on behalf of a colleague who is looking for study participants. She’s looking in particular for successful weight losers who’ve lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for >1 year. (Not surprisingly, she’s having a tough time.) Here’s her call for participants — please contact her directly at the info below.

Study Participants Needed

Are you currently at a healthy weight?

Were you previously overweight and have intentionally lost a large amount of weight and have maintained this weight loss for at least 1 year?

If you answered “yes” to the two questions above, you may be eligible to participate in a genetics and psychology research study at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in collaboration with York University.

We are looking for both men and women:

This study will require about 3 hours of your time to answer questionnaires, perform some simple computer tasks and provide a blood sample for genetic testing.

You will be compensated for your participation.

For more information call:

Caroline Reid at 416-535-8501 ext. 4639
or email

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