Run Like a Girl: Interview with Mina Samuels

“This book is about women, sports, and happiness…about the courage it takes to challenge ourselves in how we live our lives.” —Mina Samuels

The Paleo Solution podcast

It’s understandable to yearn for the good old days when food was anything you smacked in the head or nibbled from a tree branch. Understandable… and luckily, says researcher Robb Wolf, a pretty smart idea.

Change Your Body, Change the World: The “Exuberant Animal” Podcast

“Exuberant animal” is one of the best phrases I have ever heard to sum up a holistic approach to movement and wellness. And in Frank Forencich’s new book Change Your Body, Change The World, the exuberant animal is us.

New Rules of Lifting for Women and podcast with Cassandra Forsythe

If there’s a woman in your life who’s considering weight training (or a man in your life who trains women), The New Rules of Lifting for Women is an excellent introduction to the field of women and weight training.

NROL is written by a kickass trifecta of three major names in the business, including women’s nutrition and fitness expert Cassandra Forsythe. I review her book and chat with her for nearly an hour about women’s strength training, working out while pregnant, the dirty little secret of disordered eating in the fitness biz, and lots of other good stuff.

Dan John DVDs and podcast

In the world of slick yet content-free fitness video production these DVDs stand out as a breath of fresh air and the voice of reason, just like Dan himself.

Take that, you boobs!

As a member of Stump Nation y’all know that weight training cures everything from hangnails to mother issues. New research shows that contrary to previous medical advice, weight training helps breast cancer recovery. Read on, MacDuff…